Air squats hands on knees count out loud two down two up, for two sets of 8.
Calf stretch left foot out toes up and heel down count out loud 2 each side two sets of 8.
Squat all the way down on one leg the other one out. Count of 4 on each side two sets of 8.
Sit down with your legs out front massage legs.
Left foot up massage foot.
Right foot up massage foot.
Seated stretch both legs out in front hand behind head and stretch for a count of 10. Head to knees count out loud.
Butterfly stretch count bottom of feet together legs out like a butterfly count of 10 out loud.
Butterfly stretch hold legs in the same position push elbows to knees for grab legs above ankles and pull chest to the floor.
Hurdler stretch count left leg straight with toes up right leg back, massage leg. Hands behind head count out loud to ten. Then switch legs and repeat.
Hurdler stretch hold left leg straight with toes up right leg back, massage leg. Hands behind head count out loud to ten. Then switch legs and repeat.
Lie down flat on your back. Left hand up left leg bent. Count joo-mak (fist). Place fist under your lower back. Rotate side to side on fist. Repeat with right hand.
Feet up over your head or shoulder stands. In this postion do the following for ten counts
Front kicks
Legs open and closed
Left leg forward right leg back
Right leg forward left leg back
Bicycle motion
Feet together up and down.
Sit ups 100
Bridge count to ten out loud 2 times
Roll on stomach rocking chair. Count to ten out loud 2 times.
Done face the away from the instructor fix your uniform and belt. Turn to face the instructor when ready.